Rebecca Taylor

About Me

As a teenager Rebecca Taylor experienced care from both Pauline and Russell McTimoney, following her younger sister’s amazing recovery from severe birth trauma when she was treated by Pauline.  In her early twenties she suffered with a lumbar disc problem which responded well to McTimoney care and, after 5 years of fighting her vocation, gave in and went to the McTimoney College of Chiropractic.  Originally practicing in London she moved to Cowes in the Isle of Wight in 2000 and has enjoyed taking care of her local community since then.

During her career she has taught practical skills at the McTimoney College of Chiropractic, worked with the Royal College of Chiropractors delivering the Provisional Registration Training programme to new graduates and inspired many patients to go on and train as chiropractors themselves.  Her dedication to the profession was recognised with a Fellowship from the McTimoney Chiropractic Association and she regularly speaks at chiropractic events and presents webinars.

Rebecca enjoys leading patients through their healing process, providing encouragement and perspective along the way.  She works with people of all ages and states of health from new born babies and their mothers, to elite athletes looking to maintain their fitness and improve their performance.   As someone who has enjoyed yacht racing for many years she has a unique understanding of the injuries that can occur on a boat and how to prevent them.

As the mother of strapping son William, Rebecca has experienced pregnancy, birth and motherhood and was inspired to complete further specialist paedeatric training.  She is very happy working with babies and children and they generally enjoy working with her.

Prevention and maintenance are themes that are often explored in her work as people get pain free and more mobile and want to support their recovery.   Rebecca enjoys Pilates, weight training and Fitsteps and helps patients find their favourite form of exercise and physical activity as they recover.

Accreditations & Qualifications

My Services

McTimoney Chiropractic

A subtle but highly effective method that focuses on bringing your body back to its natural alignment, relieving pain and discomfort by using fast, low force adjustments.

Functional Nutrition

A nutrition and supplementation consultation investigating further general health, lifestyle and diet discussions and can be booked as an online session.

Rebecca Taylor Buchanan Spiritual Care Giving

A safe space for conversations around difficult topics, listening from a place of benevolent connection & guiding through gentle & contemplative practice.

Rebecca Taylor Buchanan Coaching and Mentoring

Focusing on chiropractors and other therapists as they start their professional lives in healthcare. Create your plan and work your way through it to your success.

What My Clients Say